Temporary session?
Forgot your password or login?
Kopy is the best way to copy
and paste across your devices.

Copy. Organize. Share!

Sharing files and texts between all your devices is now easy with Kopy!


Kopy is available on Windows 10, Android and iOS.

Browser extensions

Kopy integrate fully with your browser to offer you the best experience ever. Download the extension to your favorite browser and start kopying snippet immediately.

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What does Kopy mean?

The term Kopy means copying from your computer directly to your phone! Voila that's it!

No more no subject-emails!

Usually users send emails to their own account, just to get the text or file they want on their phones! With Kopy it will be easy and fast!

Switch easily between your phone and computer

With our browser extension, you can continue browsing the internet on your phone!

Create temporary session

You don't need an account? you don't want to create an account? Use a temporary session by scanning the QR code above with your phone.

Are you in a hurry?

Just scan the QR code on any computer, Kopy what you want, once your done, just logout from your phone or from the computer to end the session.

Share your files easily

Creating a temporary session is similar to sign in with an account, while the session is active you can easily send and receive files between your computer and your phone.

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Awesome Features

Our application gives a ton of useful features to our users.

Files and Images

You want to get a file on your phone from your PC or your tablet? Just Kopy it!

Voice command

Kopy your text using only your voice, you can launch the application with voice command and say your text to send it to all your devices and then share your snippets to your favorite social network or send it by email or SMS.


History & Bookmarks

If you always use the same url or file, and you want to keep it. You can bookmark it from your history list to save it in your bookmarks You can shake your phone to refresh the two lists.

From your contact list

You want to Kopy a contact address, an email, or a phone number from your contact list? You can get it directly from our application to your computer fast and easy!